Tag Archives: wool

Repurposing with a Purpose

16 Nov

The idea of re-purposing things into something completely different has always been amazing to me.  Ever since I was a little girl, I would save this or that, because it would make a great…. something, or it would look really neat… somewhere.  Unfortunately, I was usually left with a big mess of a closet or a jam packed space under my bed.  Now that I’m an adult, I buy special cabinets for that type of thing. 😉

Take for instance, Becky’s Birds of a Sweater cat toys that we’re currently selling in our Etsy shop:

(how’d you like that subtle push? 😉 )


Her army of eco friendly cat toys is too cute!

Full of organic catnip, made from repurposed sweaters, stuffed with 100% natural bamboo fiber… Can it get much more green than that?  I got a look at most of those sweaters before she worked her magic and it’s doubtful they would ever have gotten worn again.  They were dated and boasted a host of colors that no one should be wearing…

What other things have you repurposed?  Did your results end up better than the original?