Tag Archives: green pet toys

Kittens and Puppies and Tug Toys, Oh My!

2 Oct

Ahhh, summer, where did you go?  Can you believe it’s October already? Yikes!

If you’ve been following us on facebook, you know that Three Sassy Sisters has grown this summer. 🙂  If not, let me explain:
At the beginning of June we found a few kittens in our garage.  They were tiny and sick, and we couldn’t resist keeping one of them.  Milly went to live with Becky and her daughter when they closed on their first house.  She’s pretty sassy herself and has made a wonderful place for herself in their family.  She’s a character, that’s for sure.  She just got spayed and microchipped.

Shortly after that, Mr. Smith, a medium sized goldendoodle came to live with them.  He’s super smart, super energetic, and super cute!

Which brings us to a new product!

Our Recycled T-Shirt Tugs were listed a month or so ago and have gotten awesome reviews thus far.  They’re chewable, durable, washable, and colorful!   Made only from old, recycled, cotton t-shirts, they’re eco-friendly and dog safe!

Starting tomorrow, we’ll be offering another version of the tug toys.  Our Recycled Tennis Ball T-Shirt Tug Toys are made from recycled tennis balls and t-shirts.  Most indoor tennis balls are only used for one match or one practice session and then thrown away.  Rather than allow them to go to waste, we’ve taken these tennis balls, washed and dried them, and turned them into an awesome toy for your dog to enjoy!

Mr. Smith LOVES his! =)

Want to win your own Recycled Tennis Ball T-Shirt Tug?  Stay tuned for a giveaway this next week! =)

Meanwhile, we’re gearing up for Halloween.  Do your pets have any fun costumes?  Bella’s dinosaur/lizard/snake costume might make a comeback this year… 😉