Tag Archives: craft

Easter Giveaway Winner and New News! :)

5 May

I apologize for the delay in announcing the winner of our Easter Giveaway.  Easter, finals, and my college graduation took over my life a little more than I thought they would. 🙂

Becky and I were pretty excited. Can you tell? 😉

Anywho, I’m excited to announce that Deanna Voorhees is the winner of our Easter Giveaway!  Congratulations, Deanna!  Thanks to everyone who participated in our Giveaway.  You all have some awesome family traditions! 🙂

In other news, Three Sassy Sisters will be at the Westfield Shopping Mall (previously the Fox Valley Mall) in Aurora, Illinois Friday, May 6 through Sunday, May 8.  We’ll be selling our cat products as well as another new product: Bling Strands!

Bling Strands are awesome!  You can wash, dry, curl, and straighten your hair with them in!  They come in beautiful colors and add so much fun to your hair!! 🙂

Finally, it’s Becky’s birthday!! Happy Birthday, Becky!!  We’re heading out to Taste of Himalayas in St. Charles in a few minutes to celebrate! Yay!

Repurposing with a Purpose

16 Nov

The idea of re-purposing things into something completely different has always been amazing to me.  Ever since I was a little girl, I would save this or that, because it would make a great…. something, or it would look really neat… somewhere.  Unfortunately, I was usually left with a big mess of a closet or a jam packed space under my bed.  Now that I’m an adult, I buy special cabinets for that type of thing. 😉

Take for instance, Becky’s Birds of a Sweater cat toys that we’re currently selling in our Etsy shop:

(how’d you like that subtle push? 😉 )


Her army of eco friendly cat toys is too cute!

Full of organic catnip, made from repurposed sweaters, stuffed with 100% natural bamboo fiber… Can it get much more green than that?  I got a look at most of those sweaters before she worked her magic and it’s doubtful they would ever have gotten worn again.  They were dated and boasted a host of colors that no one should be wearing…

What other things have you repurposed?  Did your results end up better than the original?

Check us out!

15 Nov
